What is Giving Assistant?

GivingAssistant.org is an American coupons and deals company founded in 2011. The website aggregates coupons and deals and makes them available on our website. GivingAssistant.org was purchased by Upright Data inc. in 2022

Is Giving Assistant Legit?

Yes. GivingAssistant.org is now a coupons and deals site purchased and operated by Upright Data in 2022. GivingAssistant.org aggregates coupons and deals and makes them available on our website.

Is Giving Assistant Shutting Down?

Giving Assistant Inc. has shut down but the website GivingAssistant.org was sold to Upright Data Inc. in 2022. Upright Data Inc. operates GivingAssistant.org and is investing in reinvigorating the website as part of the Upright Data Network.

How Do You Use Giving Assistant?

Simply go to our website GivingAssistant.org and search the best coupons and deals to save big on the brands you admire.