Isn’t it frustrating to see all the cute do-it-yourself projects that involve using just the right fabric to make things such as no-sew floor pillows, a headboard covered with paisley, tulle draped around your little girl’s bed or a jazzed up recycled chair given to you by Aunt Marian? Then you go to the local fabric store – if you can find one – and all they have are cutesy prints designed for kids pajamas? Have we got a solution for you! Go to for a wonderful selection of different types of fabrics in a multitude of colors and prints for every occasion or craft. also has the notions, pillow forms, pins, thread, scissors and other articles necessary to complete your project or dress. Get the sewing machine out and come back to sewing with The prices are terrific whether you are looking to purchase fabric for a dress or drapes. Giving Assistant offers both coupons and promo codes to help reduce the already reasonable prices. You can even read their informative blog for new ideas and ways of using fabric even if you don’t currently have a sewing hobby.